Joint replacements are as such a painful process. Be its replacement of the knee or that of the shoulder, it is always treated as a permanent measure. The treatment is to get rid of the pain that has been bothering you over the years. A non-invasive process has not only become easier and popular but also has been helpful in getting rid of the pain completely.
When is a shoulder replacement surgery recommended?
Shoulder replacement surgery is recommended under direst of circumstances. It could be because:
- You had a failed shoulder replacement surgery
- Because of osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
Any of the above causes are enough reasons why your clavicle is hurting or why the scapula is subject to wear or tear, so on and so forth. There are cartilages around the shoulder and a fluid covering membrane which prevents excess wear and tear of the bones. However, due to multiple causes and reasons, it might happen that the fluid around the bone dries up and causes the friction to increase which is equally harmful.
How does a physician arrive at a conclusion that you need one?
Shoulder replacement is suggested only after the physician, the orthopaedic doctor, the family and you have consented to the fact that it should be done indeed. It could be because of any of the following:
- You have trouble reaching out to perform different regular activities.
- You have pain in the shoulder when you are trying to lay down on the side to sleep.
- Loss of motion or weakness in the shoulder that renders your hand unable to work.
- Any kind of physical activities which cause you pain or cause inflammations. If all other measures have failed, doctors will recommend that you go for a shoulder replacement surgery.
It is not only because of physical symptoms that an orthopaedic surgeon would recommend that you undergo the surgery. They would go through a list of tests and documents to analyse if you should be allowed to undergo the surgery. It could be a detailed medical history, a physical examination, X-rays, MRIs or even regular scans such that any symptoms of a soft shell, bone condition et al which can be instrumental in identifying the cause and recommend a shoulder replacement surgery accordingly.
Tips for a Successful Recovery After Knee Replacement Surgery
What kind of shoulder replacement procedures are available?
There are multiple options to notice into account when someone suggests a shoulder replacement surgery.
- It could be a total shoulder replacement surgery
- It could be a stemmed hemiarthroplasty
- A resurfacing hemiarthroplasty
- Reverse total shoulder replacement
Let’s say you are all ok with the surgery and there are no further complications to make it worse. Now what? How do you recover from the pain and surgery? Is recovering from a shoulder replacement that easy?
Well, optimists might say that it is easy. However, there is a huge task in the background that requires time and determination to restore yourself to the normal form.
How does recovery work for you?
Well, it is proven that shoulder replacement surgery is
successful in 9 out of 10 times. That makes it an incredible process with 90%
success rate. After the surgery is over, the patient is usually taken to a
recovery room where they are kept under observation. The operated arm is
usually numb from the effects of anaesthesia which eases the pain of the
Depending on your progress you will stay in the hospital for
obvious reasons. As the anaesthesia wears off you start feeling the effect of
your shoulder and that pain.
After discharge from the hospital, it is essential that you take care of yourself. Obviously, you cannot go around swinging balls in the pitch with your kids or friends.
Follow Instructions after discharging
- You must take sufficient rest given that there would be multiple incisions and stitches running along the lines of the shoulder. These can get quite painful and need to remove within a week of the surgery. Call your surgeon immediately if you develop higher temperatures. Keep your wound dry and clean. Do not shower until your dressing is proper. Do not soak your wound under any condition.
- Being physically active is one of the primary concerns. Before you leave the hospital, you will know about a couple of physical exercises which would help you recover from the surgery. However, there would be a time lag of 3-6 weeks which would be ample time for your muscles to heal. It takes a maximum of 6 weeks for your shoulder to gain complete movement.
- You might experience swelling and bruising, but do not panic because it is only normal. Focus on the physical therapy and continue moving the arms and the shoulders such that it does not get stiffer over the weeks. Keep doing these exercises recommended by the surgeon to keep your muscles strong. Follow up with your physiotherapist who would guide you through the process such that you regain complete strength and lead a normal life post the surgery.
There will be multiple medications which would be given to you for subsiding the pain, any anti-inflammatory medication which would be helpful and some anti-clotting medication.
Where do I go for a shoulder replacement treatment in Jaipur?
The major challenge of recovering from a shoulder
replacement surgery is the pain, commitment and dedication that you have to put
in to recover. It is basically a matter of fact that you become completely
dependent on someone who is there to take care of you. You would have your
shoulders in the sling at times and it can be frustrating. But do not give up
because it is eventually for your benefit.
Shoulder replacement is becoming simpler these days with
several surgeons venturing into the non-invasive processes. If you have been
looking for a shoulder replacement doctor in Jaipur, stop looking because DrLalit Modi, best shoulder specialist surgeon is now in the city.