7 Super Foods for healthy bones and joints

Having a healthy body is the ultimate happiness nowadays. A healthy balanced diet helps a person to stay fit and keep his bones & joints strong. To strengthen your bones and joints, it is necessary that you must consume sufficient calcium which is possible with the help of vitamin D.

So, a healthy balanced diet is one which comprises of a variety of 7 Super Foods for healthy bones and joints such as fruits and vegetables, high fibre starchy food, dairy products, beans, pulses, eggs, meat, proteins, some fluids and many more. Apart from a balanced diet, there are some specific superfoods that keep our bones and joints healthy. Just has a look at the below-given food items:

  1. Seeds

Whenever it comes to the strength of bones and joints, mineral and calcium is the first thing that sticks to mind. Though our bones require calcium, minerals to play an important role. Low level of calcium and minerals results in fragile bones. So to cope up with such situation, seeds play a vital role. All seeds consist of magnesium sources but pumpkin seeds are the best. Having a small diet of seeds daily keeps your bones strong and fit.

  1. Nuts

People usually consider bones as hard and brittle but in reality, it is not so. Bones comprises of living cells and fluids. These cells are worn out and build up daily. That is why; bones remain strong and heal after fractures. Including nuts such as walnuts, Brazil nuts, flaxseed oil, soybeans, canola oil and ground flaxseeds help in decreasing the rate of bone breakdown. Moreover, a diet with such seeds keeps the bone formation constant and gives strength to joints as well.

  1. Leafy greens

It is advised to eat green and stay green forever. This is because salads and green leafy vegetables consist of calcium, magnesium and vitamin K. Vitamin K plays a crucial role in the formation of bone proteins and also cuts the loss of calcium via urine. Lack of this vitamin increases the risk of hip fractures and thus researchers prove that one cup of a raw or half cup of cooked green food provides great strength to our bones. Moreover, you can add lettuce to sandwiches, spinach to noodles, salad with dinner and many more to intake calcium, magnesium and vitamin K.

  1. Yoghurt

Nutrients help an individual to maintain the density of a healthy bone in a body. It becomes easier with yoghurt. Yoghurt includes proteins, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and potassium. All these nutrients help in strengthening the bones and thus reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Moreover, bone mass can also be preserved with the help of yoghurt.

  1. Tofu

It is another superfood that can help you to reduce bone loss. It can be considered as a bone-friendly food with lots of calcium, proteins and potassium. Apart from these, tofu constitutes of about 67 other needful nutrients. Thus a diet comprising of tofu helps you to keep a check on the healthy bones and joints.

  1. Eggs

Eggs are rich in vitamin D and thus nourish the bones. As vitamin D helps in absorbing the calcium inside the body, eggs play an important role in maintaining the good health of the bone. Eggs include approximately 4 to 6 per cent of the daily dose of the calcium. So it is also a key part of our healthy and balanced diet.

  1. Fresh orange juice

Fluids help a person to start his/her day very well. Along with vitamin D, vitamin C is equally important for bone structure. This is because vitamin C forms the collagen which contributes to the formation of healthy bone structure. So adding fresh orange juice to the daily diet can also make your bones strong and healthy. Additionally, orange juice is rich in vitamin A which is essential for the growth of the skeleton and cell differentiation. Thus having orange juice on a regular basis keeps you fit and healthy.

Beside these superfoods, there are many other food items which can be added to your daily diet. It includes fish, soya drinks, milk, bread and many more. The only thing that you must keep in your mind while deciding healthy food for bones is that it must contain lots of vitamin D and calcium. You just need to remember that vitamins play a keen role in the growth of the body. Get Consult with Best Orthopedic in India.

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