Are knee replacement surgery permanent or not? - Jaipurjoints

Knee replacement surgery is an important surgery that acts as a boon for all those suffering from severe Knee Arthritis. If you are experiencing pain, toughness, unsteadiness, or loss of function in your knees for a longer time, you must consult your doctor. He/she may suggest you go for knee replacement surgery in Jaipur, India.

In this type of surgery, the doctors remove the worn-out ends of the bones and replace them with metal and plastic parts. The artificial ends will act as hard cartilage and help your knees to move freely. It will also make them stable and flexible. But now the question is “Up to what extent, a knee replacement surgery is successful?”

Well, according to some studies, knee replacements eventually tire out after some time.

The reasons why knee replacements wear out

As the doctors usually use metal or plastic parts to replace the workout ends of the bones. After a period, these parts begin to wear out. For instance, you can compare these parts with the rubber on the car tires. Though these knee replacements are designed in such a way that they last for a longer time. Yet they never last forever. There is a fixed time when these need to be replaced again with the new artificial parts.

Factors that affect the longevity of the artificial parts

Many studies have been performed in the past few years to know why knee replacements really wear out. So here are some factors that actually affect the longevity of such parts:

Age of the patient

Younger patients require knee replacement for more years as compared to older patients. Younger patients tend to be more active and thus their parts wear out rapidly. Those patients who go for knee replacement surgery after their 50s do not face much wear out of their knee replacement parts. Younger patients are expected to have a revision knee replacement in their future years.


There are some activities that doctors consider as the main reason behind wearing out of the artificial knee parts. Though these activities are not painful, yet they put lots of stress on the knee replacement parts.


The more is the weight of the patient, the more is the stress on the knees. A person who has excessive weight may expect to have a revision of knee replacement parts. While a person with normal body weight can go with the once replaced parts for a lifetime.


Some medical complications can affect joint replacement. Thus the patients who have medical conditions need to take antibiotic treatment to prevent joint replacement from infections.


The longevity of the knee replacement varies from patient to patient. It depends on various factors so you must always consult your doctor before going for a knee replacement surgery. He will suggest the best treatment. Also, you can go for Knee replacement surgery in Jaipur to avoid any kind of risk factor.

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