What Causes Frozen Shoulders? | Dr. Lalit Modi

Frozen shoulders are a common problem in the workplace. It is caused by repetitive stress and can be prevented by implementing ergonomics. This one is a condition that occurs when the shoulder muscle in the front of the upper arm becomes inflamed and stiff. This can be due to repetitive motions, injury, or overuse. The inflammation and stiffness of the shoulder muscles can cause pain and discomfort, especially when you lift your arm up to your head.

In this condition, the shoulder joint does not move properly. The muscles that connect the shoulder to the arm bone at the top of the arm can become stiff. This causes pain and discomfort.

In this article, we discuss the causes of frozen shoulder in detail so that one will be able to know about the condition and reach out to the doctor timely for treatment. Let’s have a look!

9 Common Causes of Frozen Shoulder

It is also important for individuals to understand that there is no particular cause for frozen shoulder and it can happen due to growing old age as well. In that case, it is important to reach the doctor as soon as possible. But still, there are some the common causes due to which a person may experience this condition, and these are as follows:

1. The Long Period of Inactivity

A lot of people are suffering from long periods of inactivity because they don't want to take the time out of their busy lives to go back to their desks and start working. Some of them even avoid getting up in the morning, thinking it will make them feel more refreshed and energetic when they do get up in the morning. This is not true, though, as it has been found that there are several factors that contribute to long periods of inactivity. Long periods of inactivity can lead to the development of frozen shoulders. It can affect your body, mind, and soul.

2. Shoulder Replacement Surgery Side Effects

Shoulder replacement surgery is a common procedure nowadays. It is in consideration to replace damaged or worn-out shoulder muscles. A frozen shoulder can happen when a person's shoulder gets stuck in the socket when the arm is frozen. This can happen if there is an injury or if the joint between the shoulder and elbow becomes damaged.

However, shoulder replacement surgery has been around for many years now, and it has become quite popular in recent years as well. It's not only used to replace damaged or worn-out muscles, but also for people who have had their shoulders frozen before. The main reason why some people have frozen shoulders is that they have had previous surgery on their shoulders that was not successful at all, and they are no longer able to move their arms freely after having this operation done on them.

3. Immune System Deficiency

The immune system is the body’s first line of defense against foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses. It defends the body from pathogens but also protects us from sickness. When a person is ill, a weakened immune system makes it harder for them to fight off disease. If a person is exposed to an illness in the first place, their immune system may be weakened even more. This can result in serious health issues such as a frozen shoulder.

4. Diabetes

Diabetes is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be either chronic disease or an acute attack. It can be triggered by several factors, including obesity, lack of exercise, and too much sugar in the diet (glucose). Also, it turns out to be a major cause of frozen shoulders.

5. Stroke

A stroke is a sudden, complete, and irreversible loss of the ability to move a part of the body. It happens when an artery in the brain is experiencing some damage. The brain thinks that it has no blood supply and starts sending messages to the rest of the body. Stroke is the most common cause of shoulder pain and leads to frozen shoulders as well.

6. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a common condition in which the thyroid gland is underactive. It can cause the patient to feel tired, have cold hands and feet, and be unable to sleep. There are many causes of hypothyroidism, but it usually occurs when there are certain genetic mutations in the thyroid gland. The most common causes include: The symptoms of hypothyroidism can vary from person to person, but they often include frozen shoulders.

7. Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a condition that causes the thyroid gland to produce excessive amounts of hormones. It can lead to a variety of symptoms, such as weight gain, high heart rate, and sometimes even heart failure. A frozen shoulder is an injury to the shoulder joint. The joint may become stiff and painful due to overactive thyroid glands. This condition doctors treat by using medications or surgery.

8. Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that affects the brain. It causes tremors, slowness of movement, and difficulty in thinking. This also leads to frozen shoulders in most cases.

9. Heart Disease

Heart diseases are also responsible for causing so many problems, and one of them is frozen shoulders. In most cases, it happens that the heart is not working properly because of how the body overall experiences the impact.

The following are the causes of frozen shoulder, and we hope right now you are aware of them. In case you are experiencing any condition, reach out to the best doctor around and we suggest you approach Dr. Lalit Modi in Jaipur as he is one of the best doctors for frozen shoulder treatment in Jaipur. You can approach him for the treatment.

Read also: Knee synovitis: causes and symptoms

FAQ - Frozen Shoulder Causes

Q1. Do I need to make some dietary changes in order to deal with frozen shoulders?

Ans: There are some instances in which a doctor suggests you make some dietary changes to deal with frozen shoulder. It is important to take it seriously and make the changes accordingly.

Q2. What to do if I am dealing with a frozen shoulder and am not able to continue my regular activities?

Ans: If you are dealing with a frozen shoulder, try to engage in exercises linked to the shoulder and be consistent with it.

Q3. Who is the best doctor for frozen shoulder treatment in Jaipur?

Ans: Dr. Lalit Modi is the best doctor for frozen shoulder treatment in Jaipur.

Q4. Can I take medication to deal with my frozen shoulder?

Ans: There are some medications that doctors suggest to patients in order to deal with frozen shoulders.

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